Upgrade Apex to 3.2 in Oracle XE

  1. Download apex3.2
  2. Unzip and place it in c:\oraclexe\
  3. In command prompt type cd c:\oraclexe\apex
  4. Then run sqlplus connect – sys as sysdba
  5. Declare oracle_home
  6. Then type 

    @apexins password SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/

Once you complete the standard install, you need to perform the following steps to complete the upgrade:

  1. Connect to SQL*Plus as SYS
  2. @APEX_HOME/apex/apxldimg.sql APEX_HOME
  3. @APEX_HOME/apex/apxxepwd.sql password
    (where password is the password of the Application Express internal ADMIN account)
  4. For the steps above, APEX_HOME is the directory where the Application Express software was unzipped. In our case c:\oraclexe\


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